i3 Australia joined the CSP program as a CSP indirect reseller through Rhipe.
What is the Microsoft CSP program?
CSP stands for Cloud Solution Provider and the CSP programme enables partners, like i3 Australia, to provide Microsoft’s cloud solutions to its customers. The CSP model is designed for the partner to add value to its customers’ cloud experience via support, billing flexibility and advice. With this programme, a customer effectively has a buy, or pay, as you go consumption arrangement via the partner, rather than directly with Microsoft.
Since joining we have seen the benefits this brings to our customers and it has reinforced why we joined the program. We wanted to provide our customers with an end to end Microsoft cloud experience and CSP enables us to do just that.
CSP Key Customer Benefits
This is probably the biggest benefit to our customers. You only pay for what you want or use. In the case of Office 365, say you had 700 Office 365 licenses and wanted to step that up by 50 licenses for a project or peak in business and drop it again two months later, you can.
You will be billed in a completely logical way that follows your license usage e.g. 700 then 750 for two months and then back to 700. In the case of Azure, you simply pay for what you used the previous month, much like a phone bill.
Monthly billing
Each month you will receive a bill for the O365 licenses you are using and /or the Azure consumption you have used. No need to use your credit card anymore. If you do want annual billing, then please speak to us.
Local support
As a CSP provider we would be the point of contact and receive your support calls in relation to the service. We would look to triage these calls and pass onto Microsoft if required. As your CSP partner we are the point of contact in case of a problem (technical and billing & subscription support).
Licensing support
You can have one partner looking after all your Microsoft cloud licenses and drawing on their expertise and skills to enable you to maximise the benefits of your investment.
No upfront billing
There are no upfront licensing costs unlike EA and Open.
Pursuing the CSP route opens up opportunities to gain discounts from RRP. A big win against pay as you go. Remember CSP partners need to take on a level of support, billing and license / subscription management duties. Potential discounts from RRP are dependent on the wrap around services you are procuring from us.
Strong SLAs
By procuring through a Microsoft CSP, you will be gaining access to Microsoft’s strong service level agreement which defines the crucial aspects of the service like responsibility, quality and availability between the service provider and the customer.
Questions & answers
How can i3 Australia help? Let’s talk Microsoft Cloud Solutions